邵曉露(Lourdes Salcedo Tavira)。她是來自於西班牙的藝術家,曾因求學與工作而旅居德國、美國和英國等地,目前定居台灣。豐富的人生歷練,和自身文化的滋養,讓她有著敏銳、細膩的觀察力,多彩與富幻想的敘事方式,畫面表現出強烈的人文關懷與慈悲心。

樓上.樓下 藝起展
Up Stairs Down Stairs. Art Show Together.
Lourdes Salcedo Tavira, YolandaPong, Sophia Lin
展期:2. 28. 2015 ~ 3. 29. 2015
開幕酒會:2 28 .2015(Sat.) 18:30
台北市中山北路七段48號2 樓
Tel:02-28763858 yesart777@gmail.com
Studio is the place where artist finding their inspiration and facing solitude. Three artists meet in the same architecture, three creative hearts finding their own way. Though having their own one of the way, they embrace and encourage each other to keep going on. The joint exhibition will be held after the lunar new .year in YES ART GALLERY, welcome joining their creating journey.
Fourth floor – Lourdes Salcedo Tavira. Currently residing in Taiwan, Tavira is an artist from Spain who’s pursuit of studies and work has taken her to Germany, America, and England. Rich life experiences, nourished with one’s own cultural identity, has given Tavira a keen and perceptive ability. A narrative that’s full of color and fantasy, in Tavira’s paintings one can see a strong display of humanity and a sympathetic heart.
Third floor – Pong, Yiu (Yolanda). Yolanda comes from three generations of artists. Her painting style in these last ten years has mainly focused on the non-figurative. Images are composed of simple shades of black, grey, and white, and gorgeous streaks of gold. She has paid particular attention to space and composition, and has emphasized visual symbols and temperature, while seeking a painting’s balance and pureness. Yao did not abandon form and structure, instead she merely pursued the most primal, intrinsic essence found in painting.
Second floor – Lin, Shu-Ting (Sophia). Sophia has been engaged in painting and design in the last twenty years. In recent years she has focused more in the art and teaching of oil painting. She has an exquisite painting style that is rich and elegant in the selection of color. Because her mother was a horticulturalist, Ting has a particularly fond recollection to flowers, plants, and all things botanical.
Up and down, down and up, just a few steps that will lead you to different roads in art. Three artists that while all share the same passion for painting and contribute ideas and thoughts their hearts lead them to different styles while creating.
It’s the up or down, the colorful or mutant, the delicate or ruff, an explosion of opposites which makes art and life interesting and fun. Sometimes we feel up and the studio becomes alive; the fresh flowers, the smell of oils and acrylics, the noises from the hammer; others we feel down and the studio becomes cold and quite. As in life, art is a journey sometimes beautiful and rewarding; others painful and lonely. Up and down, our journey in the studio our journey in life, your journey in enter into our creating heart.
樓上.樓下 藝起展
Up Stairs Down Stairs. Art Show Together.
Artist: Lourdes Salcedo Tavira, YolandaPong, Sophia Lin
Date: Feb. 28. 2015 ~ Mar. 29. 2015
Opening Party: Feb. 28 .2015(Sat.) 18:30
2F,No.48, Sec.7,Zhongshan North Rd.Taipei,Taiwan,111
Tel:02-28763858 yesart777@gmail.com