Step 1. | 直覺首先放空腦袋,以直覺挑選吸引自己的藝術品,從挑選的作品中找出吸引自己的因素,也許是色彩偏好,也許跟自己的故事有關,也許是珍貴的回憶…。 |
Step 2. | 了解藝術家從了解藝術家的創作理念與藝術活動,有助於更瞭解您所挑選的作品,也更容易進入作品裡去感受與體驗,而且最好持續關注你所收藏作品的創作者,和你的收藏關係也會加分。 |
Step 3. | 預算挑選出喜愛的藝術品之後再用預算決定購買,藝術品的價值在於原創性、唯一性和稀少性,不立即決定常會錯過,不定期的規劃預算把某部分的消費轉成藝術收藏的資金,會發現不但生活環境有趣了,精神生活也豐富了。 |
Step 4. | 行動購買質感高的創作和他生活在一起,可以藉由不斷的觀看而產生不同的對話,這是旁人無法言喻,是非常私人的感受用行動把藝術品帶回家,是進入藝術收藏領域的第一步。 |
「在‧場‧距‧離」四個字各自代表的是來自不同背景、分居不同國度的四位年輕藝術家, 依他們的創作內容與風格定義之,同時本次的展覽也是觀者與創作者之間「在場距離」的實驗場域。
「我們注視的永遠是事物與我們之間的關係」(約翰.伯格John Berger),作品既是藝術家最直接的產出,更是他觀看世界方式的具體顯現,而作為客觀存在的題材由於藝術家的「在場」以及不同的詮釋角度賦予了對象物存在的意義,因為「我思」故而「它在」,聯覺是一種不同意識形式間的換位經驗(康定斯基),當相似的感官訊息被喚醒後,過往的生命經驗促使藝術家透過形式、圖像書寫形塑鋪陳各自的故事情節,而「你、我、他」對於作品的感知與欣賞,同樣也取決於自己的觀看方式與藝術家作品之間的「在場距離」。
Spotting·Presence·Measuring·Absence : These four words represent four young artists from different backgrounds, living in different countries, defined by their creative content and style. This exhibition also serves as an experimental space between the viewers and the creators.
“We never look at just one thing; we are always looking at the relation between things and ourselves.” - John Berger. Artworks are not only the most direct output of artists but also a concrete manifestation of their way of seeing the world. The objective subject matter is endowed with meaning by the artist's "presence" and different interpretive perspectives. I think, therefore I am. Artists express their thinking dimensions through their works, which means that the same "subject matter" determines the synesthetic path of perception perceived by the artist through different angles and "distances." Synesthesia is a form of interchange experience between different forms of consciousness (Kandinsky). When similar sensory messages are awakened, past life experiences prompt artists to shape their own storylines through form, imagery, and narrative writing. The perception and appreciation of artworks by you, me and him also depend on their own ways of viewing and the "presence distance" between themselves and the artist's works.
Date | 2024.4.20 - 2024.5.31
Opening | 2024.4.20 15:00
Seminar | 2024.4.21 15:00
Artists | 徐凡軒 Hsu Fan Hsuan、葉仁焜 Yeh Jen Kun、高田裕大 Yudai Takata、高定 Gao Ding
Venue|Yesart Gallery 意識畫廊 / 台北市中山北路七段48號
行山 Frigid Peak徐凡軒 Hsu,Fan Hsuan130x162cm |
NTD 800,000 |
霜華 Frosted Elegance徐凡軒 Hsu,Fan Hsuan72.7x53cm |
夜光 Luminous徐凡軒 Hsu,Fan Hsuan42x32cm |
NTD 72,000 |
聖山高定 Gao Ding119x119cm |
NTD 128,000 |
石を拾った Picked up a stone髙田裕大 Yudai Takata25.7x36.4cm |
NTD 12,000 |
《石》髙田裕大 Yudai Takata14x18cm |
NTD 10,000 |
《under the ground》髙田裕大 Yudai Takata97x130cm |
NTD 116,000 |
《清朗》 Clear night葉仁焜 Yeh Jen Kun24x41cm |
NTD 50,000 |
《往復I》 Back and forth I葉仁焜 Yeh Jen Kun42x30cm |
NTD 50,000 |
《最長的相擁 I》 The longest embrace I葉仁焜 Yeh Jen Kun150x80cm |
NTD 300,000 |