『覓 Seek 』 王筱雯個展
A solo exhibition by Annie Hsiao-Wen Wang
展期: 2015. 8.15~9.15
開幕酒會: 2015.8.15 (六) 19:00
台北市中山北路七段48號2樓 睽違兩年後在台灣的這次個展,此次展出作品17件作品,是2014-2015的新作「覓」,此次的作品探討著內在二元的對立,恆久和無常,黑暗與光明。
This exhibition will show 17 new art pieces from“seek” series. The body of work is about negotiating the dualities within: the visceral against the ephemeral, the dark versus light.
As her statement said, “I understand now that my pursuits for knowledge, previously in the sciences and now in the arts, have both been driven by the same sense of yearning: a seeking for truth, for meaning. In the sciences it has been a searching for truth within the external physical world; and in the arts, within the metaphysical and the inner spiritual self.”
「她的繪畫沒有批判,沒有故事,沒有現實的景物,只呈現一種視野,來自寂靜之心的靈性之野…」 ~ 鄭芳和 / 資深藝評家 ~