邁入第十一年天母的意識畫廊,於第30屆台北藝博展出四位藝術家的代表性作品,其中阿咧首次公開他目前最大尺寸,300餘公分的銅雕作品『七龍豬』,作品除了造型色彩阿咧都有突破外,處理作品與空間的關係也令人驚艷 。
另外兩位藝術家為長期旅居日本創作的 徐凡軒和正在意識畫廊展出個展的廖以歆,皆展出2023年的最新創作 ,徐凡軒 帶來3件100號的作品『川流』『氣息』,以岩繪具及獨特畫風,捕捉出大海浪中當下寧靜的瞬間。新一代哲思的潛力藝術家廖以歆展出鐵皮新材質,她在已具鏽態的鐵皮上創造出一個個宇宙空間。
In its eleventh year, the Yesart Gallery in Tianmu is showcasing representative works of four artists at the 30th Taipei Art Expo. One highlight is A-LEI’s unveiling of his largest bronze sculpture to date, "Seven Dragon-Pigs," measuring over 300 centimeters. The artwork not only breaks new ground in terms of form and color but also astounds in its handling of the relationship between the artwork and space.
Another standout feature of the exhibition is the circular space dedicated to the innovative "Spiral Book" by Professor HSU YUNG-CHIN. The space is meticulously designed by the eminent contemporary framing expert Qing Shan Shan Fang, showcasing Professor HSU YUNG-CHIN's precious spiritual legacy, the "Spiral Book.”
The other two artists, HSU FAN-HSUAN, who has been residing in Japan and creating art for an extended period, and Liao Yixin, currently showcasing a solo exhibition at the Consciousness Gallery, are presenting their latest works from 2023. HSU FAN-HSUAN presents two pieces, "Flow" and "Breath," both of which are in the 100F series. Using rock pigments and a unique artistic style, he captures the tranquil moments amidst the roaring waves of the ocean. LIAO ICHIN, a rising philosophical artist of the new generation, is displaying her work with a new material, corrugated iron. She creates cosmic spaces on already rusted corrugated iron.
2023 ART TAIPEI 台北藝術博覽會
Date | Oct 20-23, 2023
Venue | Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1 台北世界貿易中心展覽一館
Artists | Hsu Yung Chin 徐永進、A-Lei 阿咧、Hsu Fan Hsuan 徐凡軒、IChin Liao 廖以歆
Booth No | 意識畫廊 J18