
阿咧 / A-Lei

(1976~ )創作豐沛的他,計畫在有霧有雨的地方蓋一座怪獸美術館。

阿咧本名葉信泓 ,以個性十足的別稱自喻為「旁觀者」。“阿咧”源自日文”あれ”(那個是),他旁觀的是生活周遭親自經歷的一切,例如:都市道路的路障、建築空間內不顯眼的一隅、餐桌上隨意堆疊的餐盤等等。阿咧擅長以這些稍縱即逝、卻又無處不在的生活即景,作為靈光閃現的切入點,再以自身的感觸和無邊際的奇想,發展出自己的圖像宇宙。

阿咧作品最獨特之處,在其造型和情緒層面的強烈 “表現力”, 這種力量溯源於二:
一是自童年開始對於動漫、機器人和玩具的熱愛,賦予阿咧的作品各自展現截然不同的角色獨立性、和情節故事性。其次,受到奧地利表現主義畫家席勒(Egon Schiele, 1890 ~ 1918)作品中充滿神經質、壓迫感、和奇特扭曲的畫作視角等風格影響,也讓阿咧作品中的角色姿態和情感充滿張力。動漫和席勒,看似截然矛盾,卻都是挑動他情緒的觸媒。


阿咧希望,藉由創作出情緒感染力強烈的怪奇生物 ,挑戰人們對於貌似醜露、又不具價值的存在提出質疑,並打破對立。

YehHsin-Hong, knownsas A-Lei describes himself as “bystander”. The word “A-Lei” is derived from the Japanese word "あれ" (that is). What he observes is everything he has personally experienced around his life, such as: roadblocks on urban roads, inconspicuous corners in architectural spaces, or random stacking plates on dining tables. A-Lei is good at using these fleeting but ubiquitous life moments as the starting point for the flash of inspiration, and then developing his own image universe with his own feelings and boundless imagination.

The most unique aspect of A-Le’s work is the overwhelming expression in its shape and emotion. This power can be traced back to two inspirations. The first is his passion to animation, robots and toys since childhood, which resulting in individual and unique character with fancy plot story in his works. Secondly, influenced by the neurotic, oppressive and peculiarly distorted painting perspectives in the works of Austrian expressionist painter EgonSchiele(1890-​​1918), the posture and emotion of the characters in A-Le’s work s are full of tension. Anime and Schiller, seemingly contradictory, are both catalysts that stir his emotions.

A-Lei posses great love to toys, especially to monsters. He considers that "monsters" are often regarded as the evil opposite of justice, but he would unconsciously stand in the position of monsters and express sympathy for their states of being.
A-Lei hopes that by creating strange, grotesque creatures with strong emotional appeal, it will challenge people to question the seemingly ugly and worthless existence and break the opposition.


2024  入坑夜間美術館 阿咧特展  , 屏東縣民公園地坑遺址,屏東,台灣
2024  森之夜宴 阿咧個展,椿畫廊,日本,東京
2023  Art Taipei 台北藝術博覽會, 意識畫廊, 台北,台灣
2022  怪獸七個半 阿咧特展 ,勤美綠園道,台中,台灣
2021   Art Taipei 台北藝術博覽會, 意識畫廊, 台北,台灣
2021  春江獸月夜 看海美術館, 阿咧特展, 屏東,台灣
2021  SPES-9位藝術家聯展,椿畫廊,日本,東京
2020   Art Taipei 台北藝術博覽會, 意識畫廊, 台北
2019 「宇宙常遇」個展,意識畫廊,台北,台灣
2019 「陸上行舟」個展,新北市立鶯歌陶瓷博物館,台北,台灣
2018 「UMA未確認生命體」個展,意識畫廊,台北,台灣
2017  阿咧的怪獸嗚~托邦,Bhome,台北,台灣
2017  福爾摩莎藝術博覽會松菸展覽場台北,台灣
2016  高雄藝術博覽會 高雄駁二,高雄,台灣
2015   Re咧tionship - 2阿咧先生(葉信泓)個展,富邦藝術基金會,台北,台灣
2014  怪獸冒險樂園駁二藝文特區聯展,高雄,台灣
2013  愛你一生一世:動漫美學雙年展/高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣
2012   Onon公共藝術展駁二藝文特區,高雄,台灣

2016  台灣陶藝「陶藝創作獎」入選
2015  第二屆青年陶藝雙年展入圍
2008  設計師玩具比賽大賞─金賞
2005  設計師玩具比賽大賞─金賞


1999 National Taiwan University of Arts / Department of Fine Arts/ Painting

Solo Exhibitions

2024  Dikeng Night Art Museum  , Pingtung county citizens's park ,Pingtung
2024  Forest Night Banque,Gallery Tsubaki,Tokyo
2022  Monster Seven And a Half ,Qinmei green park road,Taichung,Taiwan
2021  Chuan Jian, Seaside Gallery, Pingtung,Taiwan
2019  Universe Sanyu, Yesart Gallery, Taipei,Taiwan
2019  Land Boat, YinggeCeramics Museum, New Taipei City,Taiwan
2018  Uniden2fied Mysterious Animal, Yesart Gallery, Taipei,Taiwan
2018  TTF Art Toy Art Fair, Taipei,Taiwan
2017  A-Lei’s Monster Topia, BhomeBoutique, Taipei,Taiwan
2015  Relationship-2, FubonArt Foundation, Taipei,Taiwan

Group Exhibitions

2023  Art Taipei, Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei
2021  Art Taipei, Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei
2021  SPES-9 Artists Group Exhibition ,Gallery Tsubaki,Tokyo
2020  Art Taipei, Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei
2014  Monster Park, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2013  LOVE LOVE AnimamixBiennalein, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts
2012  Art Festival Illustration「love ‧ life」Exhibition, Suzhou, China
2012  OnonPublic Art Exhibition at Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung


2017  Nominee of Taiwan Young Pottery Artist Award & Biennale
2016  Nominee of Taiwan Ceramics Awards Competition
2008  Winner of Golden Medal at “Taiwan Art Toy Award”


Institute Collection: FubonArt Foundation
Enterprise Collection: DoYouBoIndustry CO, LTD

我有話要說 I have something to say

阿咧 A-Lei

帶我去月球 Take me to the moon

阿咧 A-Lei

火星探險隊 Mars expedition

阿咧 A-Lei

Yes Art
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(02) 2876-3858