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怪獸七個半 阿咧特展 2022.7.29-9.52022-09-23

怪獸七個半 Seven and A half Monsters
阿咧特展  A-Lei Solo Exhibition 2022

展期 Date | Jul 29th - Sep 5th, 2022
地點 Venue |  勤美誠品綠園道、勤美誠品 B2F雲端空間、Park2廣場

主辦單位 Organizer | 草悟系 Green Ripple Life、勤美誠品綠園道
策展單位 Curator | Yesart Gallery 意識畫廊
協力單位 Assistant | 酉 5pm.twcaudex、青雨山房
特別感謝 Special thanks | 豆油伯-六堆釀興業有限公司


繼2021年在屏東海看海美術館『春江獸月夜』之後又是一次新的突破。 意識畫廊與勤美集團挑戰2個月2座充氣裝置再加上1場室內的展覽『怪獸七個半』,阿咧在『草悟系七月半』首次活動中挑大樑,這次挑戰,阿咧不負眾望的在時間內完成了,更在充氣裝置逆向工程中的填色更上層樓,讓此次的“草地狀元”雖為白但不只是白,白的通透感而有層次。
It is another breakthrough after “Chuan Jian” in Seaside Gallery in 2021. Yesart Gallery and Park Lane challenged to complete 2 inflatable installations and an indoor exhibition “Seven and a half monsters” exhibition within 2 months. It is A-Lei’s first time to lead the event of “Green Ripple Life in mid July”. Ultimately, he completed the works in time, and the coloring in the reverse engineering of the inflatable device was even more advanced.

阿咧 A-Lei


Yes Art
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(02) 2876-3858