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《狂筆・顛墨 : 徐永進 贈藏選粹》 2022.7.16-9.192022-09-23

《狂筆・顛墨 : 徐永進 贈藏選粹》
Mind & Matter Unleashed : Selective works of Hsu Yung Chin

策展人 | 石瑞仁 J.J. Shih
展期 | 2022.7.16-2022.9.19
地點 | 桃園橫山書藝館A、B 棟 (桃園市大園區大仁路100號)
開放時間 | 週三至週一09:30-17:00 (週二休館)

Curator | J.J. Shih
Dates | 2022.7.16-2022.9.19
Venue | Hengshan Calligraphy Art Center(No.100, Daren Road, Dayuan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan. )
Opening hours | Wed-Mon 09:30-17:00 (Closed on Tue)

Artist Hsu Yung Chin donated 214 works to Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts. The exhibition have completely presented Hsu Yung Chin's creative process from 1985-2021. Curated by J. J. Shih, a former director of MoCA Taipei. Based on the evolution experience and devolopment of calligraphy, he exhibits Hsu's calligraphy creation from traditional to contemporary.

徐永進的書藝創作生涯,奠基於70、80年代的傳統書法鑽研,90 年代起投身現代書藝的創作實驗,繼而以之融入臺灣狂野文化生命力與人文關懷;進入二十一世紀後,致力解放書法,開創了超於象外、契合本心的直觀書藝。在個人書藝的創新求變之外,徐永進也致力透過跨界合作、跨域對話的新創模式,將書藝美學融入當代文化活動與社會生活場域。
His calligraphy career is built on his base studies in traditional calligraphy in the 1970s and 1980s. In the 1990s, he devoted himself to modern calligraphy experiments and incorporated the art with Taiwan's untamed cultural vitality. Since the 21st century, he has been trying to liberate calligraphy, creating an intuitive calligraphy style that transcends the forms of Chinese characters and truthfully reflects his mind. In addition, Hsu also strives to engage in dialogues and collaborate with other fields, integrating calligraphy aesthetics into contemporary cultural activities and daily life.

徐永進 Hsu, Yung Chin


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